Saturday, August 31, 2019

Branded by Alissa Quart

Alissa Quart’s novel should have had a warning label on the front stating, â€Å"Would you like to know what’s really going on around you or just keep living your life. † While reading this novel I felt like I was being led by Morpheus, showing me the world after ingesting the red pill. Quart explaining the different pressures that society forces on young teens was very eye opening. Quart sparked a lot of childhood memories when explaining brand identification and the pressures peers put on each other. One memory that really sticks out is walking through the mall with my mom and buying clothes for the start of seventh grade. I insisted on only going to Abercrombie and telling her that I wasn’t shopping at Old Navy or Gap any more. Looking back made me realize how silly I was, but I understand why I felt this way. Quart explains how marketers bombarde magazines, commercials, billboards, etc with their advertisements. Back in seventh grade, Abercrombie was cool. Everyone wanted to be one of those sexy models in their ads. Quart did make me feel a little brainwashed; I didn’t choose the clothes because I liked them but only because advertisements told me too. So much of our daily lives has media exposure that its hard not to look, especially at young ages when your open to almost anything. CINEMA OF THE IN-CROWD This chapter was one of my favorites because going to the movies is something I’ve always enjoyed. However, I’ve never thought about how they were affecting me afterwards and the product integration that was taking place. Honestly what Quart describes really works. When you watch a movie your not thinking, â€Å"Oh this must be an advertisement,† or â€Å"There just trying to get me to buy that. The products and the people using them are apart of the movie and its very hard to decipher all of this when all you wanted was to watch a story. It did make me a little disheartened that something I really enjoy is getting provoked by marketers but now I feel a lot more aware and will try to not let them get to me. FACTS She’s All That, Bring It On, Clueless, Legally Blonde,Varsity Blues and Mean Girls. Mean G irls came out after this book was written but it perfectly fits into the mold these movies have created and further shows the power this genre holds. What has made these movies so popular and why were they all a must see when they came out? First, each of these movies has a popular crowd and one of these popular people has a problem. This doesn’t sound like a plot that would grab a lot of attention, but that’s only because its not about the plot. These movies bring large crowds because it’s the people in it. With out Alicia Silverstone’s smile in Clueless or Reese Witherspoon’s long blonde hair the movies would have definitely been different. So I am convinced that the first thing you need to make a blockbuster movie is attractive people. Second you need them to wear revealing or designer clothes. This is showcased in Bring It On when basically all they wear throughout the movie is revealing cheering outfits and workout wear. The Third aspect is particularly showcased within these films because of The Breakfast Club and the infamous Ally Sheedy transformation at the end. This aspect is the makeover. I never caught on to this until reading this chapter. Each of these movies has the main character go through some sort of change and of course the change only makes them better looking and more popular. The third aspect isn’t new but the film always tries to mask it as something that you wouldn’t expect. I feel that this is done so people, especially young people, don’t catch on. VALUES These movies â€Å"also has the ring of a diary entry, of what life is really like when our parents or teachers leave the room† (Quart 78). This is the key element when trying to decipher what the value is amongst these movies. What is really going on here when you strip the stars of their makeup, clothes, and posh attitudes? Sadly, it’s popularity, only because these teens will do anything to be popular. This is what motivates them throughout the entire movie and in fact is what gets them into most of their trouble. Also popularity is the one thing that they will throw away everything for. â€Å"If your not popular, your nothing† is the message young teens are coming away with. These movies get away with a value like this because there is so much covering it up. Amongst the comedy, drama, and violence it’s hard to figure out what all of this is means. I don’t feel like popularity is a good value for a movie to have. Before reading this chapter I pictured these movies as great, some even as a must see. But now I’m disgusted and look at them as shallow. Popularity is meaningless; however if I was writing this paper in middle school or high school I wouldn’t be agreeing with myself. This leads me to the question, â€Å"Do you only see the stupidity of it all when it’s over? † Right now I would have to say yes, because when these movies came out I was at the age they were targeting and this is very silly to say but, I admired all of the main characters in these movies. I once thought Elle Woods in Legally Blonde was courageous, it made me want to be a lawyer. But now I realize that I only looked at her this way because she was popular and she needed to maintain her popularity by going to law school. PRINCIPLES These movies need to be applied to Kant’s categorial imperative. What these movies have are good looking people. However, because their attractive people don’t look at what they are doing as much as just looking at them. In turn because their hot they get away with a lot more. When you apply Kant’s philosophy it tares down these movies even more. This is because Kant states that its not whose doing it but what the action is in itself. So take away Alicia Silverstone, Reese Witherspoon, Lindsay Lohan, Kirsten Dunst, Rachael Leigh Cook, and James Van Der Beek. Now all you have are their actions trying to uphold their value. Since their value is popularity most of their actions are aimed towards how to become more popular. This is the most apparent in Mean Girls and the lead Lindsay Lohan. Taking Lindsay Lohan out of the picture and only reading the script it is very apparent that the main character Cady Heron is a liar. All of these lies are aimed towards trying to make herself more popular than Regina George. At the end Cady gets sort of a wake up call but everything still comes together for her. When this movie came out it was huge; it was all over TV, the internet, and in school. For this movie to have such a big opening I know it impacted alot of teenagers and I know it influenced them to do what ever it takes to be popular. Especially when there was a string of movies right before it that glorifies popularity its nearly impossible to tell teenagers that popularity doesn’t matter. These movies have created a society of young adults that only care what others think of them and completely twisting their feelings regarding themselves. If a student isn’t viewed as popular among their peers they are going to dislike their body, their clothes, or whatever it is that they feel is holding them back from being well liked. LOYALTIES Each main character has one main loyalty, this is themselves. All of them throughout the movie try to better themselves, sometimes through buying designer clothes, wearing makeup, or the extreme of going to law school. The conceited nature in all of these characters makes the viewers very aware that this is acceptable. None of these movies help others in a way that is selfless. Yes, Cher in Clueless tries to make over Ty, Brittany Murphy’s character, but Cher admits that its only for her own enjoyment, she even goes far enough to call Ty her project. The characters loyalties also extends to their brand names they use, but I feel that this loyalty is only to uphold their loyalty to themselves because the brand names make them cooler. I feel that these movies have been a catalyst for plastic surgery. When someone gets plastic surgery it is to better themselves. These movies showcase that it’s acceptable to do this through the characters actions. Most of the characters go to the mall to make themself feel better or they start putting on makeup so their peers like them more. The characters even backstab each other to make themself more popular. I feel that these story lines not only increase plastic surgery but also fights in school. I feel like students pay more attention to what each other are doing than the school work. Young minds are easily influenced and its especially hard to erase the well put together images that these movies create. Although teenagers wouldn’t openly admit that their using these characters as role models its hard to argue their not. Most teenagers actions are completely mimicking the main characters of these movies and honestly I feel like its not their fault, especially because I used to do the same thing. CINEMA OF THE IN-CROWD CONCLUSION Overall not every movie is like this but the handful that are do a lot more damage than the society realizes. Although, of course, if these movies were removed from theaters teenagers will always act sort of like this but I strongly feel that these movies don’t help the situation. These movies also glorify the actions that teenagers are supposed to be learning not to do. Since these movies are teaching kids to be popular no matter what and to only think of yourself I’m not surprised about the reports of what happens in todays middle and high schools. The bottom line is teenagers need to be educated on what is right and wrong. If they are aware that you should lways try to be themselves and to help others selflessly these movies messages won’t be brainwashing them as badly as they could. UNBRANDED/ DIY KIDS This section of the book was particularly interesting because I wasn’t aware of all of the ways kids are rebelling. I thought this section was a nice conclusion to the first half because it gave me hope that some students do think for themselves. It actually mad e me really proud that some had the courage to stand up to their own principles and faculties. I know that I wouldn’t have had the guts to do something like that, especially alone. I thought it was really cruel the way they were teased by their peers. When did conforming start to be cool? I also has no idea about students going to schools with no grading system. I think this is great and I really liked the quirky concepts that the home schooled students had. It was a very relieving section, the contrasts between the way the kids conform to other nonconformists could be it’s own book. FACTS â€Å"An estimated 850,000 American kids or 1. 7 percent of U. S. students from five to seventeen† (Quart 203) are home schooled. Or as John Holt calls it â€Å"unschooling. These unschooled kids are not a big part of the population and most of them never go to mainstream schools. I thought that the contrast between their outlook on schools and the Logo U chapter was very appealing. Both sides were extremes and I being in the middle realized how silly they both were being. I don’t think its healthy to be either of them. I think kids should be enrolled in school because they get interaction with other kids their own age. On the other side, when you are enrolled in a mainstream school the child needs to be aware of what’s going on around them and not get stressed out like the Logo U kids. I especially feel this way about unschoolers because I’ve met home schooled kids and their usually out there. You can easily tell that these unschoolers aren’t the normal. Now this isn’t bad now when their young but will an employer higher them. Since these unschoolers need to go out into the world eventually they will have to conform one way or another. Also, these days, you need a college degree so never going to college just because you’ve never gone to a regular school has it’s set backs when trying to find a career. Quart also explains the punk scene. I have never been into punk but I’ve always liked the way they rebelled. I think that doing your own thing. if thats how you feel, is very healthy and schools should be more accepting to this. Especially when this rebelliousness only lasts during the youth years. There’s no reason to stifle something like ripped jeans, flannel, and loud music; it doesn’t hurt anyone. VALUES The core value that both of these unschoolers and punk kids have is to be yourself. Which is the complete opposite of the blockbuster movie value, popularity. I have to give both the unschoolers and punks credit because in a world where mostly everyone wants to be Alicia Silverstone or Freddie Prince Jr. its takes a lot of courage to do your own thing. I feel that in alot of ways its easier to just conform and not go against the grain. Quart entitled this chapter â€Å"do it yourself kids† because thats what these two groups have in common. When everyone else goes off to school the unschoolers stay home and do it themselves. On the other hand the punks may go to school but they do their own look, their own music, their own lifestyle; which completely contradicts the mainstream preppy is cool mantra. In a lot of ways these kids are going to turn out as better adults. This is because they will be better parents. I feel strongly about this because my parents were punk like in a lot of ways when they were young. When they were teenagers in the 70’s it wasn’t called punk, it was hippie. Hippie and punk are basically the same thing except two different generations labeled it with different names. My parents were always telling me to be myself, and as a public school student I feel this took some pressure off of growing up. I knew that they would back me no matter what. Also, when it came time for college they told me straight out you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. This was completely contradicting what my friends parents were saying and it took a lot of anxiety off of my shoulders when acceptance letters came in. LOYALTIES The loyalty that each group has is to their own cliques that they have created. I think this because unschooled kids look at schooled kids as different and by them not wanting to be in a clique they have created their own. Through the home schooled kids i have known, they told me how they would meet other unschoolers and would create their own groups within that. So actually they are forming what they tried to avoid. Home schooled kids in some ways can have pompous attitudes, acting like their better because they don’t do what everyone else does. I’ve even met unschooled kids here, at MU. When I asked him what high school he went to he cockily stated â€Å"I didn’t go to high school, I didn’t have to. † It’s not fair to say that all home schooled kids are like this but its definitely out there. For the punk kids they have their own loyalty to each other. It was very apparent in my high school because they would always walk together in the hallways and smoke cigarettes in large groups on the curb. No one bothered them but they made it very obvious they were their own group and they all identified with each other. This is something Quart didn’t discuss. She made each group sound very independent but in fact they are dependent within each other. PRINCIPLES John Stuart Mill’s utility principle can better explain the do it yourself kids perception. The utility principle emphasizes the outcome. The outcome that both groups want is to not have a mainstream. Also stated in the utility principle is an act’s rightness and how this is determined by it’s contribution to a desirable end. I feel that both groups have a desirable end in mind. The punk kids, especially just want to do their own thing. Their basement concerts show this because they are just trying to have fun, theirs no marketing involved, no celebrities, just kids in a band. I have gone to a few local shows like this and its a completely different vibe than at a mainstream high profile band. The local shows shows the joy of music with out all of the fluff the mainstream music throws in. The outcome is more genuine than anything I’ve seen at Madison Square Garden. Unbranded showed me that it is possible to live within this society and not be lured into everything you see. These kids show how you can think for yourself and do what you want. All of my life I have been a basically mainstream person. However, this book as a whole as taught me to open my eyes and realize what’s going on around me. it truly is a lot more evading than I thought. At times while reading this book I felt like I was completely brainwashed. I think every parent should read this book so that their aware of what’s going on around their children. It’s a lot different then when my parents grew up and most of the time they don’t realize the impact of these changes. I feel that the most important lesson a parent can learn from this book is to be aware and don’t be afraid to talk about it. Communication is defiantly what kept me grounded in my household and I plan on sharing that with my children as well.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Comparison and Analysis of the use of Camerawork in Friends and The Office

The Office has a â€Å"docusoap† format, this is supported by ingenious camerawork, shots are often shaky, and frames are crowded. The raw documentary style is engrossing, the camera often moves with uncertainty as if it is not known what will happen next. The camera often pans quickly and unsteadily in order to obtain reaction shots. There is little consideration to position of elements within the frame, this all adds to the raw docusoap style. Zooming is often done shakily in order to catch reactions. The Office is made up of many two shots and the camerawork is unsteady, also characters often slightly slip out of frame momentarily and the camera must quickly adjust when this character becomes active. Friends is found in stark contrast to the office, it optimises exceptional quality camerawork. Many medium close shots are to be found, with all characters held neatly within the frame. The group shots are framed perfectly with all elements positioned appropriately. Everything is more calm and neat hich demonstrates the high quality of the programme. Editing Firstly the title sequence of The Office has several cross-fades to set the location of Slough. The edit technique used most frequently is the cut, often to catch reactions it also maintains a pace to the episode. Commonly an establishing pan-shot around the office is used before turning focus to a particular interaction between characters. Friends however optimises the cross-fade for transition between establishing hots of city buildings and actual shots of characters. All edit points are dealt with smoothly, little snippets of music often signify a change of scene and add to the general flow of the episode. Application of the Above When Gareth is in the â€Å"Invetigation Office† talking to Glen, the camera shot is really unsteady and is through a set of blinds, this gives the feel that you shouldn't be watching this happening, it zooms in beyond the blinds to see reactions but always zooms back out to remind you of the blinds being a barrier.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Growing up through child abuse and neglect Essay

Many people do not realize how a child growing up in an abusive or neglected household affects their future. People go through hard times hiding it from the world; secretly hoping someone finds out about their story and helps them. There are many children throughout the world that do not know what it is like growing up with a normal parental figure. They go everyday living the life they live hoping to get out of it. Children that are abused or neglected go day after day worrying about when they will eat next, be looked at normal, feel special, and feel loved again. Children that grow up in an abusive/neglected household do not grow up with the correct way of parenting. Usually the child ends up gravitating towards another person or thing that helps them get through their tragedy. Jeannette in The Glass Castle is a child that goes through life with her two siblings being neglected by her parents. She struggles to get out of Welch and move to New York to start her life over. In Damaged , Jodie is a child that has been abused since she was very young. She has been through foster home after foster home till she meets Cathy. In the third book, A Stolen Life, Jaycee is kidnapped at the age of eleven and is abused by her kidnapper Phillip. She has two of his children by the age of seventeen and is forced to live with the fact that she will possibly not be able to see her family again. All three of these books show us that even though you have multiple rough patches in your life, you can always find a reason to keep moving forward. In The Glass Castle, Damaged, and A Stolen life, three girls go through abuse and neglect as a child, but are able to overcome it with the help of gravitating towards another figure. In the books The Glass Castle, Damaged, and A Stolen Life, the characters’ abuse and neglect in the household is very diverse. These three books talk about how hard it is to live with a parental figure that does not truly care about you. They go through life trying to figure out what they are worth and why this is happening to them. Jeannette, Jodie, and Jaycee are three young girls trying to find their part in this world hoping to get out of their family tragedies. Many people go through life growing up in a household full of abuse. Children can be abused by their parental figures in many different ways. It can be verbal abuse, physical abuse, and psychological abuse. If a child is being abused it usually starts at a young age and goes up till someone finds out about it or they end up moving out. Children tend to hide what is happening to them  because they think it is not as bad as it is. Many adults that are abusive to their children were abused when they were young. â€Å"Brian, his cheeks wet with tears, was holding his hands protectively between his legs† (Walls 146). In The Glass Castle, Jeannette’s grandmother tries to abuse her little brother Brian. Because of her doing this, it makes the children think that she abused their father when he was a child. When children find out that their friend is being abused, they try to hide it as much as they can because they do not want to be the person to get their friend in trouble. In Damaged, the girl in the story is a child that has been taken into foster care. After her eight years of being abused, she is finally taken out of the home Jodie has been abused by multiple adults, men and women; her mother and father, and their friends. This book has many things that deal with abuse in the household. â€Å"Taking off my clothes† (Glass 60). Jodie feels the need to take her clothes off when Cathy goes to take her picture to put into her scrapbook. Jodie tries to take her clothes off because when she lived with her mother and father they would abuse her and take pictures of her and other children naked. Because this has started at such a young age, Jodie thinks that it is perfectly normal to act in this behavior. When adults start abusing their children at such a young age, they grow up thinking that it is okay to do these things and that every family does it. Children that tend to be abused only remember certain parts of what has happened to them. This is because they shut down their brain so that they can be there physically but not mentally. This tends to stunt their growth and this is why Jodie is a three to four year old in an eight year old body. When children are very young, their development does not start as fast as non-abused children making then be in slower classes during school and not being able to function properly. (Guli, et. al.) Children need help with their development and they should not be abused in any kind of way. Children that are abused in the household tend to hide what is going on with them at school. Children do not like to tell people what is happening to them because they do not want people to look at them weird or someone telling their parents. The child is in enough trouble at home, he/she does not want it to be at school too. Children feel like school is their â€Å"get away† from the reality. Children do not want to feel like they are bringing  Ã¢â‚¬Å"drama† into the classroom and they do not want to have all of the attention towards them. In the book The Glass Castle, Jeannette tries to hide how poor her family is at school. She does not like the way the kids look at her during class because of what she is wearing. Even though she isn’t abused at home, she is still neglected and not taken care of. â€Å"One day that winter, I went to a classmate’s house to work on a school project† (Walls 179). While Jeannette was at their house she was shocked a t how big it was and how they had a refrigerator and washers and dryers. She has never seen anything like it because her family is too poor to afford things like that. This is because her family would rather spend their money on booze and art supplies for the parents than taking care of their children. Jeannette thinks that the kids at school make fun of her for what she wears and because she smells. She does not like having to wear the same outfit for a year straight with only washing it once or twice. Children these days are very self-conscious about what they look like around others and if they will fit in or not. In a different manner, Jodie from Damaged likes to tell the students in her class about what has happened to her. She thinks school is a safe place to be so she is comfortable with opening up to people. She does not really understand that what she is saying is inappropriate for school, but with her lack of knowledge she thinks it is okay, Jodie is known to have flashbacks of what happened to her the safer she feels. â€Å"Jodie was clinging to the radiator, her eyes wide and staring, her body rigid with fear† (Glass 268). Jodie thinks that her father is going to come to her school and pick her up like he did when she lived with her family. When she was little and she lived with her parents, her mother and father would pick her up in their van and he would abuse her in the back while her mother video taped it. School is a safe place for children to go when they are beign abused at home. They are taken care of and feel like they have a sense of purpose being there learning. They are taken care of by teachers that have a special bond with each and every student they have. In A Stolen Life, Jaycee Dugard is kidnapped at the age of eleven and lives with her captive for eighteen years. She stopped going to school at that time and has missed out on many childhood activities. When she was fourteen she had her first daughter. Her second came soon after. After the eighteen years of being hidden it was her first daughter’s turn to go to high school. â€Å"Walking the halls of the high  school grounds brought up feelings of grief for what I had lost† (Dugard 142). Jaycee had to go through life wondering what it wou ld be like to got to a high school and she was never able to go. She was sort of jealous that her daughter is able to go through the experience she did not. When you are an adult and you do not get the opportunity to go to a high school or do anything with your childhood, you miss out on a part of your lifetime that you will never get back. People grow up in homes that are neglected. It is not as severe as abuse but it is actually really close. Many people do not realize how much neglect can impact a person. Neglect can happen when the parents are not giving their child the emotional attention they need. The parent should supply food, clothing and shelter for their child. Neglect fits into A Glass Castle perfectly. The parents do not provide a proper hosue or any food for their three kids. The parents make them sleep in cardboard boxes because they cannot afford beds. The parents could also not hold a steady job making them have to move out of their houses multiple times. â€Å"We counted eleven places we had lived, then we lost track† (Walls 48). By the age of four, Jeannette had moved eleven times because her father lost his job and could not pay the house bill. Before the bank could file the charge they would move so they could not find them. All of this moving makes it impossible for her and her siblings to g row up in a stable home, school and town. Because of their lack of money, they could not afford to buy food for days. The kids would starve till the day their dad came home after winning money from gambling, then most of the time he would use it on alcohol. Adults that neglect their children usually were not given the attention that they needed as a child so it is the only way they knows how to raise them. Sometimes neglect can be from a step parent. They think that since the child is not theirs then they do not need to give it as much attention as their own children. â€Å"I look forward to going to school most days because it gives me time away from all of his criticism† (Dugard 3). In A Stolen Life, Jaycee hates to be home alone with her step dad because all he does is criticize her and tell her what she is doing wrong. Carl has a daughter and he treats her like his little princess. He treats her very differently from the way he treats Jaycee. To Carl Jaycee is just another person that is living in his house  and he could not care less if she left. Parents that do not give their children the right attention make them feel like they are not as important to them. This makes the child feel like they need to try to get the attention of the adult in any way possible. Not getting enough attention is a cause of suicide in younger children and even adults. Children that do not get the right amount of food tend to develop poor nutrition which has a negative impact on the child’s physical and psychological development (Ed. Fu. Wi.) Many parents do not realize they are neglecting their children until there is a break were they can tell or something huge happens. Neglect occurs mostly with the lack of communication within the family. Communication can consist of saying good or nice things to the child. There should always be a positive attitude in the household. There should also always be a good set of rules and guidelines that are followed by both the child and the adult. Sometimes there is a lack of communication between the parent and the child and they both have a different view on life. When the parent The Glass Castle, Damaged, and A Stolen Life, talk about how the child grows up with a household full of neglect and abuse and how they get through it. Having abuse and neglect in a household can either be mental or physical and even psychological. Children feel the need to hide what is going on with them at home from school. Children feel like if other kids find out what they are going through and how their parents are different from theirs then they will get made fun of and not fit in. this can also be shown by the lack of communication between the adult and the child. If they do not have a good communication system they will not be able to understand what is wrong and what is right. Children struggle to find a way to get through their situation. They look for the help of others through outsiders and through family. Children also get through their tragedy with the help of mental attitude. As long as you have a positive mental attitude, you can pull yourself through the hurt. Also, with the help of other people’s mental attitude, it helps get children to realize that it is not so bad. One of the hardest, yet rewarding things is living in an abused or neglected house and being able to get through it. Many people do not realize who hard it is for a child to get through their hard times. Children usually have a  positive attitude about life but when this is going on, to them, they feel like they are problem. They feel like they are the problem. When this is how a child feels, they mentally give up and do not feel like they should try any more. A child that wants to give up doesn’t not feel like they are good enough for their parents children need to know that they have a reason for living; they have a purpose to keep going. In my first book, The Glass Castle, Jeannette goes through anything and everything that could tear her down. As she grows up she realizes that she deserves better and that she should get away she realizes that she I old enough to move out making her want to move to New York like her sister did. â€Å"Maybe not right now, not this minute- it was the middle of the school year -but I could wait until I finished eleventh grade â€Å"(Walls 236). Jeannette knows that she deserves a better life and will not stop to get it. Her sister helped her get through it and has her realize that if she can move there then Jeannette could in my second book, Damaged, Jodie gets through her problems with the help of her foster mother Cathy. Jodie learns how to control herself a tad better. â€Å"Paula and I took her to a steak house (as a change from pizza) and while we waited for ours to arrive Jodie suddenly looked directly at Paula and said â€Å"I like your top, it’s very pretty† (Glass 337). Jodie has been becoming less and less able to know what she is doing. Even though she is getting wo rse, her memory is letting her be able to get over what happened. Family has also helped Jaycee, in A Stolen Life, get through being kidnapped. After she had her two daughters, she knew she had to stay positive to keep her girls happy. â€Å"I have done my best to educate them in the back yard, but I could only go so far.† (Dugard 138). Jaycee tried to give her the best life they could have while living there. These three girls have tried so hard to get through what they were stuck in. They all have a family member that helped them get through it and they lean on them for comfort. Another way people get through their lives is with the help of outsiders. This could be anyone like teachers, friends, neighbors, anyone really. Most of the time people want to help others. Outsiders do not know what could be happening to you when you are at home. But if you tell someone you could save yourself. In the book, The Glass Castle, Jeannette has outsiders that tell her about New York. Once she hears that she can actually get out of Welch, she has no reas on to want to stay there anymore. â€Å"I’ve got a feeling  about you, she said â€Å"I think you’ll do all right up there† (Walls 239). Jeannette’s teacher was there for her and knew how great of a person she is. She supports her in her career on her articles for the newspaper and knows that she will get a job in New York and write for the big time magazines. Outside is also help Jodie, in the book Damaged, with her foster care. Jodie was sent to High Oaks to be taken care of since Cathy cant anymore. â€Å"Ron and Betty are like me. They help children who have been hurt, only they do it better than me† (Glass 302). Cathy doesn’t have the ability to teach Jodie and get her to cooperate. Many people also help like police officers in the book, A Stolen Life; Jaycee finally gets found out about and is taken to the police station. â€Å"It looks like an evil spell.† (Dugard 209). Jaycee finally gets to use her real name and doesn’t have to hide in a backyard anymore. These three books all have at least one person that tries to help them from that had an idea of what they were going thro ugh. Many people do not realize that being able to get through it is mostly about mental attitude. You have to be able to know that you will one day get out of your situation. You have to have a positive outlook on what it will be like once it’s all over. In A Glass Castle, Jeannette and her family have to move in with her grandparents in Welch. They are looking for a new home there but everything is torn down and old Jeannette tries to make the best of the move by saying â€Å"maybe in the summer we can go fishing and swimming† (Walls 133). Jeannette always tries to have a good mental attitude she knows that if she doesn’t try to make things better than they are, then no one will. In my second book, Damaged, Cathy has to have a positive mental attitude to be able to take care of Jodie and her children. â€Å"I always felt better after a walk, and for Jodie the energy release was essential, otherwise she’d be hyperactive for the rest of the day† (Glass 65). Cathy is always stressed with dealing with how Jodie acts and all the attention that she needs to give her. She always has a positive attitude through making her capab le of getting through every day. In my last book, A Stolen Life, Jaycee has to have a positive mental attitude to keep her children happy. Even though she has gone through anything and everything to tear her down, she still wakes up every day so her girls do not realize anything is wrong. â€Å"We spend many hours on the beach, I love playing in the water with the girls† (Dugard 155). Jaycee loves spending time outside of the  backyard, even though it is scary for her to be out. She is happy and full of life to make sure her girls are happy. The two girls do not realize what was happening to them was wrong. That since they were born into it they think it is normal. People do not realize the impact they have on an abused or neglected child. If someone is willing to help you, let them. Any little bit of help works. A stranger’s attitude helps or hurts a child by if the person is high spirited or low spirited. In all three of the books I chose to read, they had an outsider help them get through their problems with a positive mental attitude. In the first book a Glass Castle, Jeannette gets help from her tea cher by always having a positive attitude around her. She always tends to tell her how she is doing and makes her feel good about herself. â€Å"Mr. Muckenfuss conferred with Miss Bevins, and she told me as long as I kept clean she’s fight for me† (walls 204), Jeannette likes having someone there for her other than her brother and sister. When Miss Bevins in ta good mood and treats her nicely, she feels good about herself, and important. In Damaged, Jodie has the same thing happen to her. She likes it when she is getting attention from anyone and everyone. Jodie has many people that are nice to her and try to have a positive attitude around her so that she has one too. The people that take her after Cathy cant anymore are always having high spirits and are in a good mood. They know that this helps the children feel safer and are more comfortable. â€Å"Jodie grinned, not quite understanding what I’d said, but appreciating that it was special, and that it applied to her â€Å"(Glass 307). Cathy knew that Jodie would like her new family because they knew her needs and how to take care of her. Another way outsiders help children is in my third book, A Stolen Life. This is because, even though her kidnappers treated her poorly in the beginning, they grew like a family. This by no means is ok, but under the circumstanced, it was for Jaycee. The kidnappers end up treating her like their own daughter, except for occasion al times when Phillip used her. Jaycee wasn’t a normal kid, she didn’t grow up in a normal home, and she didn’t get to have the life she was planned to have. Her kidnappers helped her get through it thought because they cared about her and her two daughters out into the car with Nancy and we take off to the nail salon: (Dugard 155). Nancy (Phillip’s wife) takes Jaycee out to the girly things that girls normally do with their real moms. She pretends that she is her  real mother because she never had children of her own. Many peo ple are nice and giving to children because they know what it was like to be taken care of as a child and do not want others to be treated badly The Glass Castle, Damaged, and A Stolen Life, all show how a child can get through their tragedy. With the help of others, you can overcome whatever you would like. You can get help to get through it from family and outsiders. Your mental attitude and other’s mental attitude can help you get through the tragedy by making you have a positive feeling about life and the whole situation. Many people overcome their tragedy with the help of others. Children just need someone to tell, whether it be adults they personally know, school members, teachers or friends. Children tend to gravitate towards someone/thing whether it be friends, family or an idea of some sort. Having someone help them through their hard times gives them a reason to not give up. This is what makes children want to live their life and see what it will be like after their torture is over. When a child or adult is trying to overcome their tragedy, they need someone there to help them. People need someone there for them an someone to tell their story no matter how horrible it is when someone lets out their story it is a relieving feeling for them and helps them get through it and feel better about themselves. Usually they end up telling an adult searching for help. Thy think that since they know them on a personal level that they will be there for them for the most part this is true, in my first book, the Glass Castle, Jeannette looks to her older sister for advice to see what she did to get through the neglect in the house hold. Lori helped her by having her save up money so she could come live in New York with her. â€Å"That fall, Lori helped me find a public school where, instead of going to classes, the students signed up for internships all over the city† (Walls 248). Lori knew that Jeannette was good at writing articles for her school paper when she lived in welch so she told her about this college that she could go to and intern for the priority news paper. She ended up getting the job and was one of the best writers on the board. Jeannette looks at her sister as an adult figure because she is older and works for what she wants and if motivates Jeannette to leave Welch and change her whole life around. In my second book, damaged, Jodie looks up to Kathy for help and comfort. She finally feels safe around her and knows that she won’t hurt her. â€Å"Did your daddy do those things to you?†Ã‚  (Glass 134). Jodie feels like it is normal to be abused because it is something that she has grown up with. It just comes natural to her. Since she thinks it is normal she thinks that the other children’s parents do that to them. Ever since she started living with Cathy she realizes that what had happened to her was wrong and that Cathy was parenting her the correct way Jodie has had many people in her life that has hurt and abused her and had a hard time trusting Cathy to not. In my third book a stolen life, Jaycee has to trust her kidnapper to not hurt her. Jaycee’s life was in the hands of the man who took her. She has to look up to him and trust that he will be good to her. â€Å"I do remember, however, when my sister, Shayna, turned 16. I was 26 by then living i n Phillips secret back yard in my own tent!† (Dugard223). Jaycee was glad to finally be given her own room after so many years of living there. She had to look up to Phillip and Nancy kind of as parents because she didn’t know anyone else driving that time. These three books all talk about how the child grows up looking to find someone to trust to tell their story. Overcoming your tragedy can also involve school members, teachers, and friends. Many people do not realize that all a child needs is a friend, or anyone to talk to. In my first book, The Glass Castle, Jeannette has one friend that helps her get through her rough patch. Her friend Dinitia would allow her to go swimming with her since she couldn’t afford to pay to swim with all of the white kids. â€Å"Dinitia Hewitt was there too. That summer morning I’d spent swimming with Dinitia at the public pool was the happiest time I’d had in Welch†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Walls 199). Dinitia was Jeannette’s only friend and she was the only girl that would spend time with her. Jeannette needed someone to be there for her and to help her get through the drama of the household. In my second book, Damaged, Jodie feels the need to tell her classmates about what had happened to her. She felt safe as school, like no one could get her. This helped her get along with other students an d able to have some friends. â€Å"Jodie didn’t appear to notice anything amiss at all – in fact, she was full of high spirits and rather triumphant† (Glass 229). Since Jodie was new to the class, many friendships had already been created making Cathy nervous that Jodie would be left out. The children understood that Jodie had problems wrong with her and did not make fun of her. They  were all very nice and appreciative. Like in my third book, A Stolen life, Jaycee has to wait till the end of the book to finally get reconnected with her mother. Phillip seemed like he couldn’t take the stress of hiding her and the girls anymore so he confessed to taking her. After she was released she leaned to her mother for guidance about how to live a real life and how to really take care of her girls. Her mother had to show her how to live on her own and her sister had to teacher how to drive. â€Å"Every time thing seemed overwhelming, I would look at my mom and that happy feeling came back and te h warm light inside me grew bigger.† (Dugard 238). Jaycee knew that her mother was there to help her for good now. She didn’t have to be a fraid of losing her. Having her family back in her life keeps her moving forward. After a child has been abused or neglected, they tend to gravitate towards a person or thing. Children like having someone/thing to lean against for help. In my fist book, the glass castle, Jeannette gravitates to New York and the city life. She loves how there are so many people there and how fast pace everything is. â€Å"Our apartment was bigger than the entire house on little Hobart Street, and way fancier>†(Walls 247). Jeannette had never lived in an actual running house until now. She was more than ex cited to have an actual bathroom and kitchen. She loved how New York wasn’t like how people explained it and she knew that she would be there for a very long time. In my second book, damaged, Jodie tends to gravitate towards Cathy the most. She trusts Cathy and knows that she won’t hurt her. Jodie connects with Cathy and tries to get better for her. â€Å"Jodie and I had been together almost constantly for a year and I felt that everything we’d been through had bonded us and brought us close.† (Glass 317). Cathy knew that she couldn’t completely fix Jodie. She tried as hard as she could though and was the most normal thing to a real family she could have. Jodie liked living with Cathy and even though Jodie was having her problems Cathy loved Jodie like her own child. In my third book, a stolen life, Jaycee gravitates mostly to her two daughters. She knows that they need to take care of and them to give them the most normal life possible. â€Å"it’s hard to stand up for yourself when all the other person does is tell you how wrong you are and give you reasons why he is right.† (Dugard 218). Now that they are free she doesn’t have to listen to anyone else and she can make her own  rules. Jaycee is a great mother and now she has the chance to prove to the works that she is. Through all of the abuse and neglect in these three books, they all get through their problems with the help of gravitating towards someone/thing that makes them a stronger and a better person. When you gravitate towards someone it gives you a reason not to give up. You feel like you have a purpose and feel like you need to keep going. All three of these books relate to this statement by all three having a reason not to give up on others but mostly themselves. In, The Glass Castle, Jeannette does not give up because she knows that here is a better live out there for her and she will not stop till she gets it. Her sister and brother help her realize that they can get out of Welch and start their lives over. â€Å"I had no idea what my life would be like then, but as I gathered my school books and walked out the door, I swore to myself that it would never be like mom’s that I would not be crying my eyes out in an unheated shack in some godforsaken holler â€Å"(Walls 208). Jeannette does not want to live life like her mom and dad. She feels like if she stays in Welch, she will end up the same. This is what motivates her to keep going and not to give up hope. In Damaged, Cathy has to try to not give up hope for the fact of making Jodie better. Jodie went through so many foster homes and each and every one of them gave up on her and sent her back to social services. Jodie has many problems and Cathy feels like she is the only one that can help her. â€Å"I had given Jodie my promise that nothing of the kind would happen to her again and I was frightened that she would think I’d broken my promise and lose her trust in me.† (Glass 147). Cathy does not want Jodie to feel like she is hurting her, but helping her. After she had the examination she was better though. Cathy took care of Jodie better than anyone else had and Jodie could finally realize that. In A Stolen Life, Jaycee has to keep going for herself, her daughters, and to make sure her kidnapper got caught. Jaycee knew how hard it would be to act like everything was normal for her daughters and she got thr ough it all making them proud of her. She had to be the best mom she could even thought she was still only a child herself. â€Å"I am seventeen years old and I am about to have my second baby† (Dugard 122). Even though Jaycee was a young mother, she taught her girls school material the best she could since she ended  school when she was only eleven, that’s all she could teach them. She knew she wouldn’t give up hope that one day she will get out for the sake of her two girls. All three of these books relate in the way that they all have a reason not to give up on their problem. After comparing three different books, it is clear that when a child is going through abuse or neglect, they overcome it with the help of gravitating towards someone/thing. When a child is abused or neglected in a household, they tend to hide it from surrounding people, hoping that one day they will find out and help them. Abuse and neglect can be form lack of communication, or goes back to the parents and how they were rai sed. Children that grow up with the lack of parental figure in the lifetime tend to grow up faster and are able to take care of themselves at a young age. A child’s mental attitude can also affect the way they get through the tragedy by if it is positive or not. When a child has another person’s mental attitude helping them, they can get through the situation better. Children search for someone to tell their whole life until they are taken out of the problem. They will look for anyone to tell whether it be adults they know, teachers, class mates, friends, and neighbors. When you are being abused or neglected you feel like you have no reason to be there. Children think that when their parent is mad at them then they are worthless and their parents want nothing to do with them. Children gravitate towards someone or something that helps them feel important and comfortable. When they gravitate towards a figure they feel like they have a reason to live and a reason to not give up . Growing up in an abused or neglected household tends to affect your life on how you look at the world and how you live it. You feel scared that you will not be loved or that you will go back to the tragedy you lived. You find a place to feel safe, to feel needed.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A comtemporary architectural precedent explaing why your choice Essay

A comtemporary architectural precedent explaing why your choice exhibits exemplary features that would be appropriate in your sustainnable city - Essay Example l and this is because Underhill lies is on a very steep escarpement which is mainly made of Portland sand and below the sand is a thick layer of Kimmeridge Clay whose extension reaches Chesil Beach and also Portland Harbor. The Kimmeridge clay has been the source of devastating calamities due to a series of landslides which has the results of the formation of West Weares and East Weares (Stuart; 96; 2006). The architectural design of the modern cities overlooked the importance of sustaining life and this has led to the ecological and environmental problems that are being experienced in the world today. This can be attributed to the fact that the design of the present cities were focused on the economical aspect and completely ignored the importance of sustenance for the future generation. Most of the industrial cities in the world have been degraded to such extent that the future generations cannot rely on them as their habitat (Kadekodi; 123; 1995). The architectural design of the city should enforce the need for sustainable lifestyle for the present and the future generations. This can be done if the architectural design of Cliff City promotes sustainable lifestyles of the present generation which will result in the sustainable life of the future residents of the city. It is important to note that the present cities did not have a provision for ensuring that life sustenance especially in the present times was catered for. This can be evidenced by the fact that many of the cities in the world have their environment populated from various aspects of the environment. For an urban city to promote sustainable life, it is important to note that the ecological system of the area should be preserved at all cost and this means that the design of the city at the least affects the ecological system of the area. It is in this respect that the design of the city should have in consideration the effect of sustaining the life of the future g eneration (Kadekodi; 123;

Unequal Distribution of Property and Factions Research Paper

Unequal Distribution of Property and Factions - Research Paper Example The government must, therefore, protect these rights as they develop on the identified individuals with the abilities and the talents, as the key responsibility of the state is to protect its entire citizen and their wealth (Mill and Ryan, 2006). The government will tend to do this by enacting policies and rules that are geared towards the protection of both talent and ability. Talent and ability are one of the greatest resources of any given country since as the individuals become creative in the efforts to enrich themselves resource wise, they, in turn, lead to the growth and development of the whole country and its inhabitants. It is certain that property in the society is not divided equally and the property that is not divided equally exist in different forms which include the following:- there is the category which involves either land or business property. Some of the property owners in the society own property in form of land and indeed large tracts of the land depending on their ability to acquire the land (Rousseau and Cress, 1987). The other groups in the society own property in form of business ventures and franchises operating them jealously and zealously practices that are normally unfair and unjust. Moreover, it is coupled with a lot of irregularities and unfair practices; some of these practices are either ethical or unethical in nature. The round objective though is one that of acquiring property; hence, protection from the government of the abilities and the talent if called for (Mill and Ryan, 2006). The other reason that individuals in the society own wealth or property in an unequal manner are because of the sole reason that there are many injustices in democratic governments of the day.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Innovation and Change - Open Innovation and Strategy Essay

Innovation and Change - Open Innovation and Strategy - Essay Example This creates proper competition in the market as the firms compete on specific value benefits to the customers. The computer industry across the world has greatly been disrupted by new innovations that are always meant to add value to the existing products in the market. Initially, mainframe computers were the only existing form of computers in the market. Such computers had the ability to address all the important needs of people at the time. However, developments in the computer industry led to the introduction of personal computers. These computers were not in any way seen as competitors to the mainframe computers. The personal computers therefore developed effectively without much influence on the mainframe computer market. In any case, these two types of computers had totally different applications in the market. However with time, the personal computers became a great threat to the operations of the mainframe computers which had very great limitations owing to their size and po rtability. This challenge eventually led to the disruption of the mainframe computer industry when the personal computers became much adopted in the market in contrast to the mainframe computers. ... This creates a lot of challenges in the market. The development of personal computers was for a long time totally unrelated to the mainframe computers market. Basically, personal computers were not used for industry applications since they were considered not powerful enough to perform such great tasks. However, with a lot of developments and innovation, much success has really been evidenced. The market for personal computers eventually became much greater than mainframe market. However, much disruption in the market is still expected given the introduction of minicomputers and other smaller computers. The major driving force behind this disruption is actually the need for efficiency and ease of operations. While mainframe computers are still much effective in industry applications, they greatly face a lot of competition from the personal computer market. Fundamentally, it has to be realized that personal computers were actually an innovation and development of the mainframe compute rs. These computers were basically an extension of the technology used in the mainframes which were in much use in the 1970s through to the 1980s. While the personal computers have greatly managed to bridge the gap that always existed in terms of computer applications in the market, some gaps still exist in the market which create the need for more innovation. In this regard, mainframe computers are widely used in industries due to their great speeds and processing ability. In organizational setups, such computers are often used to manage other computers in the organization. While such features are greatly valuable and demanded in the market, most personal computers do not have the ability to provide such

Monday, August 26, 2019

Information Systems Fundamentals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Information Systems Fundamentals - Essay Example c. Sign In and Validate login– This process is for customer who had already registered with the system and has an active username and password. This procedure will use a validation process for the login information entered. e. Checkout and Display Checkout– This process triggers the system that the customer will initiate a transaction process for the items added on the virtual shopping cart. The system will display the information for the transaction i.e total items to be checkout, and total cost for the current checkout. h. Create Order No – After successful validation of the customer’s order (ie. Payment information), the system will generate a unique order no for the said transaction in order for the company for order tracking and record keeping purposes. The booking system consists of three actors namely, the system, the travel agent, and the customer. The process involves the customer initiating the booking through a call. The travel agent which accepts the call record the customers relevant information. The travel agent then initiates the system to search for available seats for flight and accommodation for hotel/apartment. After the systems finds available seat and accommodation, The customer needs to confirm the booking in order to complete the booking process. After confirmation, the travel agent then offers travel insurance. Weather the customer accepts or rejects the travel insurance offer; the system invoices the final amount the booking. Any customer who confirms a booking, a username and password will be given to access the online booking system. This username and password can be used to access the website for online registration and online booking. g. Offer Travel Insurance – Upon confirmation of the order, the customer has an option to have a travel insurance on top of the booking. If the customer accepts the offer, an additional amount will

Sunday, August 25, 2019

To what extent was the final solution planned Essay

To what extent was the final solution planned - Essay Example While some people believe that this was a spontaneous decision made by Hitler, others believe that the process was systematically planned. The aim of this paper is to find out how far the Final Solution was planned. The investigation will cover what the Final Solution was, the debate of the decision, the extermination camps, and to what extent it was planned. It was right around 1942 when the plans of the Final Solution fully took hold, but over one million Jews had already been murdered. â€Å"It was only with the decision to eradicate the entire Jewish population that the extermination camps were built and industrialized mass slaughter of Jews began in earnest. This decision to systematically kill the Jews of Europe was made by the time of or at the Wannsee Conference, which took place in Berlin, in the Wannsee Villa on January 20, 1942. During the conference, there was a discussion held by a group of German Nazi officials to decide on the ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Question’† (Wikipedia 2008, p. 1). The extent to which the Final Solution was planned can be proven by documents that contain the minutes and other records of the Wannsee Conference. The Allies located these documents at the end of World War II and used them as evidence in the Nuremberg Trials. â€Å"The records and minutes of this meeting were found intact by the Allies at the end of the war and served as valuable evidence during the Nuremberg Trials. â€Å"By spring of 1942, Operation Reinhard began the systematic extermination of the Jews, although hundreds of thousands already had been killed by death squads and in mass pogroms. In Heinrich Himmlers speech at the Posen Conference of October 6, 1943, Himmler, for the first time, clearly elucidated to all assembled leaders of the Reich, in frank and brutal terms, what the "Final Solution" referred to† (Wikipedia, 2008, p. 1). The Final Solution was the Nazi’s plan to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - Term Paper Example The discovery of smallest planet, the discovery of earth like planet and some huge planets were explained in this part. The thirst for knowing more about our universe has developed in the minds of the human only after science and technology started to develop rapidly. Earlier, human had very little knowledge about our universe and our planet, but as science started to unveil the mysteries about the universe, one after another, humans started to dream about finding life in other planets also. They started to investigate more about other planets in the solar system and the possibility of life existing there. But so far, no planets in the solar system appear to be having life forms because of the extreme weather conditions there. The failure to find life forms in the planets of the solar system forced the human to look beyond the boundaries of our solar system in search of life forms which resulted in the discovery of many other planets in the recent times. Planets found outside the solar system is generally termed as Extrasolar planet or exoplanet. As of from now scientists have discovered around 500 such planets outside the solar system with the help of indirect methods such as radial velocity observations and direct methods or direct imaging technologies using powerful telescopes. The discovered exoplanets were large and small in size compared to the earth. It is scientifically proved that a substantial number of stars may have planetary system like the sun. Exoplanets became a matter of interest in the nineteenth century when the scientists and technologists started their space exploration actively to find extraterrestrial life with the help of powerful telescopes and other modern technological equipments. On September 30 2010, Paul Butler and his colleague Steven Vogt of the University of California at Santa Cruz, â€Å"announced the discovery of a rocky planet in another solar system that has the most basic and essential conditions needed to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Project Management and Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Project Management and Ethics - Case Study Example In analysing ethics, this paper will discuss the ethical considerations in the nuclear development and use among the developed countries. The March 11, 2011 earthquake that hit Japan’s Fukushima 1 nuclear plant had adverse effects not only on the lives of the people, but also on the environment. The earthquake, the biggest to hit the country caught the government unawares. The repercussions of the earthquake were devastating. It affected at least 80,000 people within a 12-mile radius through displacements. Further, a considerable number perished from the events that took place during this period. Reports indicate that three months after the earthquake, the plant was still leaking radioactive material. Fuel rods in reactors 1,2 and 3 melted down causing damage to the containment structure, sparking a series of fires in the plant. Additionally, there was extensive damage in infrastructure. In analysing this case, the paper will consider ethical principles and values that could h ave helped in avoiding the events that occurred during this accident. Ethics for a long time has evolved with the evolution of the society. From the times of Confucius, different thinkers, philosophers and thinkers have made considerable contributions to the field of ethics. Because ethics define, elements that make something good or bad, different people have suggested different ways defining good or bad elements of something. Currently, different theories and principles focus on societal ethics. The humanitarianism theory holds the belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare (Abu-Sada 2012,  p. 85). Over time, evolution of this theory has taken into consideration the concern of other people’s welfare and concern for their safety and reduced level of victimization of people in the society. Developed with relation to the slavery in the United States, contemporary humanitarianisms hold that the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

When using different metals Essay Example for Free

When using different metals Essay An example of this is when an iron nail is put in a copper sulphate solution. A displacement reaction only occurs when a metal reacts with an acid. This is an exothermic reaction. Exothermic means that the energy is going out of the reaction. Chemical reaction where the energy content of the products is less than that of the reactants; heat is given out from the system. In an exothermic reaction, heat energy is given off to the surroundings so the product molecules have lower heat content than the reactants. This is like taking a wet sponge and squeezing it into a funnel the sponge ends up with lower water content than before the exothermic reaction. The amount of water which is squeezed into the funnel and collected is a good concrete way to visualize the heat of reaction. Apparatus: Measuring Cylinder Thermometer Stop clock Balancing Scale Copper sulphate solution Beaker Zinc Lead Aluminium Magnesium Iron Method: == Collect all required equipment in a tray. == Put 50 cubic cm of copper sulphate solution into a beaker make sure it is 50 by using a measuring cylinder. == Measure temperature of solution at the begging by using a thermometer. == Measure 2 grams of metals with copper sulphate solution. == Shut the beaker with a lid made out of cardboard for the thermometer to enter. == Measure temperature of substance every 30 seconds. == Repeat for 8 mins. == Repeat this routine for the other metals. Prediction: I predict that magnesium will displace most of the other metals it will react with. This is because magnesium is the highest metal we are using in the reactivity series and as such will displace more. Results: Iron 1 2 3 Average Graph Analysis From this investigations results I can see that Magnesium was the most reactive metal out of them, and Lead was one of the metals that reacted the least, along with Zinc. Magnesium emitted the most heat out of them all. It took several minutes for magnesium to reach its highest temperature on the table. My prediction was correct as I predicted that Magnesium would be the metal that emitted the most heat, as it was the more reactive than the other metals. Evaluation In this experiment I investigated how much heat displacement reactions give out. We used plastic beakers but used cardboard lids, which may have altered the results of the experiment. If I were to do the same experiment over again I would use plastic lids and see if the results were the same or if they differed. We also hand stirred the solutions, so that could have changed the results. I could improve the experiment if the same person stirred it then they would know roughly at what speed they stirred the solution. Rina Bhudia Science Investigation 10 B3 Mrs Davis Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Debate Paper on the Welfare Act Essay Example for Free

Debate Paper on the Welfare Act Essay In 1996, in order to fulfill his campaign promise to end welfare as we know it President Bill Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), as a result both the fabric and management of the national welfare system were altered. With any policy change comes conflict in the form of opposing perspectives, and the two conflicting viewpoints that will be discussed for the basis of this paper were induced as a result of the enacted PRWORA. Michael Tanner, the first author to be discussed within this paper defended the belief that the alterations to welfare reform achieved desirable results. Author Stephen Pimpare, the voice of the opposition, blasts the PRWORA and its aftereffect. Michael Tanner discussed, how the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) has been the catalyst for the decline of poverty in the United States. Tanner began his argument by accenting the opposition of many American liberals, that anticipated that the passage of this bill would bare cataclysmic results such as, forcing families into absolute poverty. Through the use of statistical data, Tanner discussed how a decade later, the results of the aforesaid bill have proven to be quite opposite of the conjecture. Comparatively, Stephen Pimpare sought to discuss, how the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) has come to fail the recipients that it was originally intended to benefit. Pimpare admits that although, the number of welfare recipients were reduced, there has not been enough substantial evidence to indicate that this was, as a result of welfare reform. Instead, Pimpare believes that the decline in poverty was attributed to forces unrelated to the enactment of the PRWORA. Although, poverty declined in the mid-1990s, he affirms that it is on the rise once more and in large part due to welfare reform. Pimpare continues his argument by making the struggles of former welfare recipients a focal point. By encouraging employment among the poor, the PRWORA placed a work requirement, and a five year lifetime cap on cash assistance, which Pimpare believes has made the lives of those that left welfare, particularly single mothers, that much harder. He more or less explains that under the policies of the PRWORA the federal governments attempt at bringing an end to welfare meant giving states more control over program requirements; doing away with previous federal matching funds, and reducing the incentives for bringing in new welfare recipients. According to Pimpare, without these incentives and the increased authority given to states, many now delegate their allotments for the use of programs or budget deficits that are unrelated to the welfare expenses for which, the funding was initially intended, and the few states that do invest funds into welfare related programs do so by contracting private organizations. Each author agrees that there has been reductions in welfare rolls, but neither believe that this decline occurred for the same reasons. Michael Tanner asserts throughout his article that rolls declined in large part as a result of the PRWORA; giving only slight praise to economic growth. Tanner believes that this among other factors are an effective appraisal of the PRWORAs overall success. Although, Stephen Pimpare also acknowledges cuts in the rolls, he denies that the PRWORA was the influence. He credits the diminishment of the rolls to the decline of unemployment and higher wages. He affirms that if it had not been for the implementation of welfare reform, poverty would have been substantially lower then it was. An additional point, addressed by both authors, is how former welfare recipients have fared beyond their enrollment under the enacted PRWORA. Each side of the opposition maintains that the effects of the welfare reform have bared either negative or positive consequences. Tanner stated that although, many individuals who left welfare, as a result of the PRWORA, have only acquired full time, entry level positions, paying an average of $16,000 per year, it was progress and far better then where those individuals once were. He adds, that while these individuals take on menial employment, they are in turn, gaining valuable experience that will provide them with marketable skills for higher earnings in the future. In Pimpares article, he argues that the PRWORA has ultimately, had adverse effects on the lives of former recipients. He states that homelessness is at an all time high. According to Pimpare, more then half of former recipients remain in poverty, and around 60 percent were unemployed upon there completion of the welfare program. He adds, that poor women, a population that dominates the overall pool of welfare recipients, have become no more autonomous following the welfare reform, then they were previously. Historically, there have been generations of conflict concerning the welfare of the impoverished, and the overall tone of both articles are no exception. Each article, exemplified the current state of conflict. Within our course we have examined this shift of ideology, throughout various periods of time. Historical occurrences, from one era to the next have acted as the catalyst for the fluctuation of the perceived accountability for the poor. The view of personal versus social responsibility has shaped the response to social welfare policies. The retrenchment was a period marked by the relinquishment of responsibility to the individual, and the PRWORA was to be the means of supporting this return of autonomy to the poor. It has been sixteen years since the PRWORA took its place amongst government legislation, and the lives of its former recipients have shifted during this lapse in time, but has welfare reform changed their lives for better or for worse? Did the lunatic right accurately predict the welfare leavers destinies, or were the liberal prophets of doom correct? I strongly believe, that in order to form an educated rebuttal against the opposition, one should have a clear understanding of the vantage point that they wish to support, as well as, of the one that they wish to dismiss. After, thoroughly examining each viewpoint of the welfare reform quarrel, I believe that I am fully informed enough to take the side of most American liberals. Since, its enactment in 1996, the PRWORA has increased the power of the states, but has done very little to increase the livelihood of those who stood to benefit from it. I am sure in hindsight, the PRWORA seemed like a good idea, but it turned out to be fundamental flawed. Since its passage, single parents have been unable to adequately provide for their families. While, many former welfare recipients have managed to attain employment, a scant amount have actually evaded the reality of poverty. The rise in employment is parallel with the increased presence of single mothers, who have entered the labor force, which can clearly be attributed to welfare reform. The vast majority of former welfare recipients, who have entered the work force are only earning between $10,000 and $16,000 annually, this is substantially lower then the amount a family realistically requires to obtain lifes basic necessities. The impractical expectation of welfare reform were that these individuals would eventually climb the job ladder out of menial, entry level positions, but I am not so naive and simple-minded as to agree. History has offered insight into such situations, thus wages remain stagnant for less educated workers, and being employed does not automatically absolve a person from impoverishment. On a positive note, more monies have been earmarked for child care agendas, but difficulties still persist. Single parents continue to receive less support to work. Federal and state programs extend to few families that require child care. Head Start serves less than half of eligible children (Blank, Schulman, and Ewen 1999). The quality of child care is insufficient, as a result of low wages for child care workers. An additional problem is that, although former recipients have obtained employment, they have in turn, been left unable to afford healthcare. Many are not offered such benefits through their employers, and become excluded from government funded health coverage, due to there inability to adhere to the maximum wage requirements. While I am sure the debate over welfare reform will persist long after this assignment has been submitted, it is still worth mentioning how fundamentally backwards the passage of the PRWORA was. Although, it has succeeded in pushing individuals off of the rolls, it has failed to pull them out of poverty, and it is for this reason that I must assent with Pimpares argument. What quality of life do people have when they must survive on the bare minimum? I can make little sense of a government that would allow its citizens to continue living in poverty. The PRWORA does not offer the opportunity for betterment and empowerment, it guarantees a life of struggle.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Relationship Between Asset Price and Monetary Policy

Relationship Between Asset Price and Monetary Policy With the development of capital market and the innovation of finance, asset prices have taken a more prominent role in financial economy. Meanwhile, financial crisis and economy turbulences arouse by abnormal assets price fluctuation appear in many countries. Currently, China is confronted with the reality of asset prices inflation. Asset prices rapidly fluctuation bought gigantic impact to monetary policy, therefore, study the relationship between asset price and monetary policy according to Chinas economy is significant. This dissertation applies correlation analysis, unit root test, cointegration test and Granger causality test in the empirical analysis of the relationship between asset price and monetary policy, from the data analysis, we could conclude that asset prices and monetary policy have a long-term relationship. The central bank should focus on the role of asset price on the transmit mechanism of monetary policy. 1. Introduction Motivation With the development of modern capital market and financial innovation, the world economy has into the financial economy era, and disappears increasingly capitalization, virtualization trends. It is no doubt that modern capital market has provided a powerful lever for economic growth, but its instability also cause macroeconomic fluctuations , and in particular the asset price bubbles, which is becoming a key factor for financial crisis and economic fluctuations. So far, the most developed Western countries have experienced a long period of rapid growth, concern is that global asset price has increased sharply in recent years. In the late 1980s, the stock market and real estate in Japan as the representative of asset prices have greatly increased ,which also caused Japanese economy into the bubble economy, the credit crunch and economic recession arising from the bubble economy have serious negative effects so far. In 2006, the Dow Jones industrial average index in USA was beyond the highest point of network technology bubble expansion from 2000, the stock market of many other developed and emerging market countries generally strongly increased and was beyond history records. In addition to the security market , the global real estate, gold and oil market are also very active. In 2001-2005, real estate prices have nearly doubled in many developed countries, meanwhile, real estate price in many developing countries has also generally increased . In May 2006, the international spot gold price reached USD per ounce 718 score in New York City market since 1980. In mid-July 2006, the International crude oil futures price GE exceeded the highest record to reach 75 USD/barrel. But, inevitably brought the more serious financial crisis in 2007, which has caused huge economic fluctuations to the economy from 2007. In China, securities market have established for ten years, the shares of negotiable securities in the structure of residents capital portfolios continued to be increasing, in 1992, the total value of Chinese stock market is 1048 billion yuan, accounting for only 3.9% of gross domestic product (GDP) ratio . But in 2007, the stock market value is 327141 billion yuan, the ratio of market value in GDP has being greatly rising to 130% , which is 312 times growth compared with the total stock market value in 1992 . Not only a huge amount, but also the fluctuations of asset prices have become more frequent and intense. In 2006-2007, Chinese economy under the driven of stock market and real estate market has a certain degree of asset price bubbles. While in the same time , Chinese economy is actually facing the reality of asset price falling from the top digit, shanghai security market falls rapidly from the peak position in 2007, the stock market bubbles receive the extrusion, the real est ate market similarly is also facing the similar situation, house price of major cities has falls obviously, the turnover falls into the valley. All of these financial crisis constantly are reminding people that the worldwide economic fluctuations are characterized by the financial instability , and economic cyclical fluctuations, instead of disappearing, and to be getting worse, cause considerable economic depression, frequent asset price volatility and financial crisis and economic recession arising from the asset market collapse, hence , the government should focus on the asset prices on the role of macroeconomic fluctuations and the central bank in the world have to consider the information from asset price fluctuations. The Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and Bernanke concern much about monetary policy and asset price volatility. Alan Greenspan proposed central banks should be more concerned about the issue of asset price bubbles in the anniversary meeting celebrating the establishment of the Bank of England in 1994 . Chairman Bernanke is an internationally recognized as the founder of monetary policy and asset price researc h. At their encouragement , the international academic community and the national central banks have recent research and debate whether the monetary authorities should intervene directly in asset price fluctuations. These research and debates are from the different backgrounds in different countries, in accordance with their different assumptions and premises, provide some significance policy advice. Financial markets in particular capital market deepening and broad-based, and financial innovation enables financial institutions have diversity features. The boundaries of currency and other financial assets is blurring, money supply and real economic variables lost stability, the monetary policy impact on the real economy is no longer limited to traditional approaches, according to the traditional Keynesian theory, this impact on consumption and investment mainly through interest rate variable . But as the improvement of financial system and increase of financial assets stock , monetary policy can also use the wealth effect of asset prices and Tobin q to affect the consumption and investment, causing the changes of total demand, in stick price, the aggregate demand led to a change in the output , and cause the effect of the output changes on demand, if the aggregate demand exceeds the aggregate supply ,it can lead to inflation pressures. This series of transmission mechanism make t he role of asset market on the real economy become more prominent, asset price has become a major transmission channel of monetary policy . From the reality in China, the rapidly development of asset markets have a key role in our national economy, the impact of real estate market and stock market on economic and monetary policy are becoming increasingly apparent. In fact, the Chinese monetary authorities have also already begin to pay attention to the relationship of asset price and monetary policy . Xiaochuan, Zhou , as the Governor of Chinese central bank ,says that the central bank concerns about changes in asset prices and gives full attention to information from asset price when formulating and implementing monetary policy. Therefore, study the relationship between asset price and monetary policy in Chinese economy is significant. This dissertation analyze the relationship of asset price and monetary policy systematically, and will use econometric methodology to seek to explore the relationship between asset price and monetary policy in China by using quarterly statistics from 1998 to 2008. I will estimate the relationship between monetary policy variables and asset price variables , through correlation analysis, unit root test, cointergration test Granger Causality test to get the conclusion. This dissertation conclude the results that ¼Ã… ¡monetary policy and asset price have a long-term relationship, in a short time, the monetary policy aggravated the asset price fluctuations to some degree, the asset market appeared to be rapidly soared and shirked in a short period of time. The central bank should focus on the role of asset price on the transmit mechanism of monetary policy. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Empirical Studies from Western Economists The research from western economists on relationship of asset price fluctuations and monetary policy mainly reflects the two views. First, asset price and monetary policy do not exist the causal relationship on behavior , and the only relationship is on the information that reflects the present and future output growth. Another view on research of asset price fluctuation and monetary policy is that asset price can affect consumption and investment through wealth effects , the change of capital cost and asset price fluctuations affect consumption and investment respectively through wealth effects and Tobin q, thus affect the financial institutions status of assets and liabilities , further affect the stability of the financial system. It is evidently that asset price has become the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. Frank Smets (1997) is one of the economist who systematically analysis the optimal monetary policy that Central Bank should response on asset price change. He has proposed the following important viewpoint: how the central bank should respond to monetary policy reflecting the unexpected change of asset price, how this change affect the central banks inflation forecast. There are two factors affecting the central bank forecast inflation. First is that the effect of asset price on transmitting mechanism of monetary policy. Second is that the unique information on asset price. He established a simple macro-economic model that contains equation of Phillips curve, aggregate demand on financial asset prices (as represented by the stock price) , arbitrage and dividend , he uses this model to examine the variety of ways that change of financial assets price affect the real economy, and analysis the optimal monetary policy of central bank response to financial asset price movements. He demons trate that the optimal monetary policy of central bank response to financial asset price movements, that is, according to the structure of established model , weighted average of the short-term interest rate ( traditional intermediary target of monetary policy) and asset price as price index — monetary conditions index (MCI) , and regard this index as the target of monetary policy operations, therefore it can properly guide central bank make effectively response on monetary policy to change of financial assets price. Gunnarsson and Lindqvist (1997) have discussed the role of asset price on monetary policy from the wealth effect on change of asset price and the effect of inflation. They conclude that the monetary policy should be given more attention on the change of asset price, although it is very difficult to explain. They believe that the change of asset price affect monetary policy as long as this change is long-term change, and in recent years, the impact of this change of asset prices on the economic has been more and more important, so the central bank should spend more energy to analyze the relationship of asset prices and monetary policy, although this relationship is hard to explain but indeed existing. They believe that asset price as an indicator for monetary policy might contribute to the inflation forecast. B.Bemanke and M.Gcrtler (2000,2001) have provided that :In an particular assigned situation , the monetary policy respond to the change of asset price is determined by if existing of the inflation or the deflation pressure on real economy or not, if this change of asset price do not bring the inflation or the deflation pressure on the real economy, then the monetary policy does not need to respond to this kind change of asset price, but If this change of asset price indicates that it indeed brings the inflation or the deflation pressure on the real economy, then the monetary policy should make some response to alleviates this pressure. They propose the above policy seriously under the system frame of flexible currency inflation goal. Cecchetti, Genberg, Lipsky and Wadhwani (2000) have noted that how the central bank respond to asset price fluctuation mainly depends on the nature of the asset price fluctuation. When only have the shock of financial aspect on macro-economy, the central banks exchange rate policy should make an appropriate response, because doing so will avoid the financial shock on the stability of real economy . When the central banks target is to minimize the fluctuations of Inflation ratio and economic output gap to their target value , the central bank take possible action to eliminate the negative effects of financial volatility is a very good thing. 2.2 Empirical Studies from Chinese Scholars After the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the scholars in China have began to research the relationship between asset price and monetary policy. From a theoretical viewpoint, on the one hand, monetary policy have an impact on asset prices through the adopted operation tool, on the other hand, as a virtual asset relatively to physical asset , asset price fluctuations can also have some impact on peoples consumption and investment behaviour, hence, affect economic development through consumer and investment , further transmit monetary policy purpose to the real economy. Xiaoan Qian (1998) finds that change of asset price make a difficulty in monetary policy transmission mechanism, this will cause the certain effects on monetary quantity management, inflation control and financial risk avoidance. The increase of asset price has been made transmission role of the monetary policy in the currency market change and become a source of funds in the asset markets, causing short-term funds long-term occupation , so that the transmission mechanism of monetary policy to occur difficulty. Part of funds seperated from the bank system, directly to the virtual asset markets. Wenjun Xun (2000) believes that the development of capital market increase the number of the emerging non-bank organization such as superannuation fund, the mutual fund, the Insurance company and so on, the bank also participates in the competition of capital market , the effect of the capital market on the real economy gradually highlight, the transmitted mechanism of monetary policy increases, economic subject and its behavior are diversity, uncertainty about the economical movement increases, therefore the transmitted mechanism of monetary policy is more complex. They thinks that Central Banks monetary policy should control official interest rate through the market , thus indirectly influence the bond and the stock market price in capital market, further influence real economy, achieves the monetary policy goal. Qiang Qu (2001) has found that it is difficult to put asset prices as the goal of direct control of monetary policy in the monetary policy operations, the possibilities and accuracy of establishment of general asset price index is very small, asset prices can only be used as an indirect reference, in short, to concern on it , but not target on it. Gang Yi and Zhao Wang (2002) have considered that monetary policy have impact on financial asset prices (in particular the stock price), the relationship of currency quantity and inflation not only depends on the price of goods and services, and in a certain degree depends on the stock market. Tianyong Guo(2006) has affirmed the role of asset price fluctuation on real economy , financial stability and monetary policy through analysis, at the same time, he also points out that the asset price as regulatory targets exist difficulties. Chang Cui (2007) analysis the role of asset price on monetary policy through the model , in asset price inflation period, the central bank can take the measure of interest rate for a given period too control asset price fluctuation, and control the money supply when asset price bubbles exist will receive immediate effect. While in asset price downturn period , interest rate adjust asset price have obvious and relatively durable effect. Yuanquan Yu (2008) obtains through the empirical analysis: the asset price has a certain influence on macroeconomic , particularly the effect of house price is more obvious. Therefore, the Central Bank must give the appropriate attention and control on asset price in the implement of monetary policy . In an conclusion, the asset price fluctuations have an certain impact on the ultimate objective of monetary policy, we can not ignore the unique role of asset price on the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and the macro-economic activities. The central bank should concentrate on the effect of asset prices on monetary policy, particularly in asset prices fluctuations periods, the vast majority of economists believe that the central bank should take an certain monetary policy to address and reduce the negative effect of the economy. For most of research focuses on the study of asset price fluctuation and its relationship with monetary policy, the role of asset prices in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy , as well as the effect size issues ,this dissertation based on the domestic and foreign scholar research results , deeply analyzes the transmitted mechanism of monetary policy in asset price through the impact of monetary policy on asset price . 3. Data Description This dissertation focus on the relationship between asset price and monetary policy in China according to the quarterly statistics during the year of 1998 to 2008. This dissertation mainly use the stock price (index) and house price(hsp) as indicators of asset price , and use boarder money supply (m2), financial institution loan (loan), real rate (rate) as indicators of monetary policy for simplicity. Due to the amount of the data of these variables are really great, we take log of these variables to analyze. This dissertation get all needed data from China Economic Information Network, which is a professionals institution engage in the development of economic data resources and services, provide data support, data integration, and other business data analysis for government and research institutions. All the quarterly data we need from 1998 to 2008 is recorded in the China Economic Information Network. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ 3.1 Indicators for asset price in China Asset prices generally including stock prices, bonds, prices, and even exchange rate, and other financial assets and house prices. However, the stock price and house price have a significant effect on real economy, and its fluctuations can have a key role in monetary policy decision-making, hence, in this dissertation , we will use the stock price and house price refer to the asset price. In particular, the Shanghai securities composite index is on behave of the stock price for data limitations, Shanghai securities composite index is established by the Shanghai stock market to reflect the Shanghai securities trading market overall trend. House price is on behave of the average house price in China. We can easily get these data from the China Economic Information Network. 3.2 Indicators for monetary policy in China Monetary policy refers to the Government or the Central Bank influence economic activity, especially by money supply control and regulation of interest rates. To achieve a specific goal or maintain target — for example, curbing inflation ,achieving full employment and economic growth, directly or indirectly through open market operations and setting the minimum reserve rate. There are many factors needed to be consider in implementing monetary policy, for data restrictions, in this dissertation ,we mainly consider the variable of boarder money supply, financial institution loan and real rate. First, boarder money supply (lnm2) indicates the change of aggregate supply and pressure condition of inflation in the future. In china, boarder money supply is narrow money supply plus the saving, foreign currency and fiduciary deposits of government, organizations, services, businesses and institutions in financial institution. Boarder money supply can be used as a medium and long-term equilibrium target to regulate of financial markets .It is usually the rate of boarder money supply increasing should be controlled at the sum rate of economic growth and price inflation, monetary movement. Second, financial institution loan have some disadvantage as a indicators of monetary policy. First, it is closely associated with the monetary policy objective. Currency circulation and deposit currency caused by loan, the Central Bank control the size of the loan, which also mean to control the money supply. Second, financial institution loan is an accuracy an endogenous variable , loan size is positive correlation with loan demand. As a policy variables, loan size and the demand also have a positive correlation. Furthermore, data of financial institution loan is easily accessible . Third, real rate refers to the real rate of interest return that the depositors and investors can get after eliminating of inflation rate, it is calculate as nominate rate minus CPI. Real rate can be used as the indicator of Central Banks monetary policy due to following reasons : (1) real rate reflect the supply of money and credit, and able to show the relative supply and demand, it is correlation with nominal interest rate ,High level of interest rate is thought to be a tight, low interest rate level of convergence are considered monetary relaxation. (2) real rate belongs to the Central Bank , the Central Bank can use this tools to increase or decrease in interest rates. Table 1: denotation for Variables denotation Variables Implication Lnindex Shanghai securities composite index Shanghai securities trading market overall trend Lnhsp House price Real estate price Lnloan Loan financial institution aggregation loan domestic Lnm2 M2 boarder money supply: M2+M1 Rate Real rate nominate rate minus CPI. 4. Economic Theory and Econometric Model The effectiveness of monetary policy depends not only on the sensitivity of economic subjects on policy signal , but also on numerous external factors of financial system. According to the traditional Keynesian theory, when implementing expansionary monetary policy, increase of money supply will lead to rate decline, i.e. capital costs decreasing, further increasing investment expenditure, hence increasing aggregate demand and aggregate output. Meanwhile, increase of money supply will lead to the bank reserve and deposit increase, thus enhanced bank to increase the loan quantity, the fund that the borrower attains increase, then the total quantity investment will increase, which also lead to the quantity of aggregate demand increase, hence, the total output also rise. We will use following econometric model to analyze the relationship of asset price and monetary policy. 4.1. Analyzing correlation coefficient The correlation coefficient is a measure of two variables relate to each other and their close degree of effective tools. Its absolute value is close to 1 description of relevance, the stronger between variables, the more its relevance with 0. If the correlation coefficient is positive, then the variables presented to changes in the relationship, with one variable with another variable changes. But if the correlation coefficient is negative, then the variables are changes in the relationship in the opposite direction. Using correlation coefficient can be better measured variables and between monetary policy and asset price correlation between Extent its positive and negative symbol can indicate the variable ask changes direction. Generally used to be associated matrix said. 4.2. Testing for Nonstationary In time series, stationary is a key concept, as it allows powerful techniques for modelling and forecasting to be developed. Stationary is generally regarded as some pattern of data stable or equilibrium. Stationary time series have constant mean and variance, but its covariance only determined by the time distance. However, when time series could not analyze as stationary, this types of time series always have a strong upwards or downward trend over time, we call it as nonstationary, and we can use differencing as an effective tool to transform a nonstationary time series into a stationary time series. Sometimes, Transforming a nonstationary time series into a stationary one needs more than once differencing operation. Generally speaking, if the differencing needs to be operated at least d times to achieve a stationary time series where d is the order of integration, then the time series is said to be integrated of order d, denoted by I(d). Hence, the I(1) time series also referred to have a unit root, while the I(0) time series are stationary. Dickey and Fuller (1979) provided an effective method to test a time series is stationary or nonstationy time series, which is also called as Dickey-Fuller (DF) test. The elementary object is to test the null hypothesis that the time series have a unit root or not. The model the Dickey-Fuller (DF) test involves bellows In this dissertation , indicates the variables on monetary policy and asset price at time t. ÃŽ ± denotes unknown parameter and denotes the trend. denotes the first difference which . Also, the t-statistic for testing the null hypothesis that H0: =0 against the alternative hypothesis H1: While the index and real rate variable we consider under the model H0: against H1: We also can identify the fittest lag k by running the ADF(k) test, choosing the fitted order k that gives the minimum AIC and BIC. 4.3 Cointegration Formally, Engle and Granger (1987) defined the cointegration as if there exists a linear combination of two or more I(d) time series which is I(d) with d In practice, we usually use cointegration test to exam the long-run relationship among variables in economics. If times series have relationship between variables, and the trend of the two time series has been common, and thus there will be a linear combination of these time series give us an stationary time series. In this dissertation , we test the long-run relationship between monetary policy variable and asset price variable by cointegration test .First, we consider the regression of two I (1) time series. The model is To test { } and { } are cointegrated, we need to exam that the residuals term { } is stationary .If the residuals term is I (1), then this two times series do not have a cointegration, otherwise , if the residuals term is I (o), then this two times series are cointegrated. Under this case, to test the residuals for unit root ,we can conduct DF/ADF-statistic test. In this paper, we denote that monetary policy variables as and we regress on a constant and one of the asset price variables as . 4.4. Causality Test Granger (1969) provided that Granger causality test can apply generally for testing the causal relationship on two time series.Granger causality means that if { } Granger causes{ } then { } have a predict power of { } , given any other variables. More formally, it is said that { } Granger causes { }; when the forecast of given data on { } and { } outperforms the forecast of given data on { }only. Granger causality is only related to the predictability of { } using { } and is not concerned as to whether{ }causes { }, it could be that { } Granger causes { } but { } is not causal for { },and vice versa. To test for Granger causality, we could estimate the regression by OLS In this dissertation , denotes an indicator of asset price, i.e. Shanghai composite index (lnindex) , house price ( lnhsp) , Also,denotes the indicator of monetary policy, i.e. financial institutions aggregate loan (lnloan), broad money (lnm2), real interest rate (rate) . Then conduct an F test on the null hypothesis against the alternative at least one of the is not zero. If we reject the null hypothesis, then { } has predictive power for { } and therefore, { } Granger causes { }, on the other hand, if we fail to reject the null hypothesis, then { } has no predictive power for { }, therefore, { } does not Granger causes { }.We usually test the two times series for Granger causality in pairs, that is, first test whether { } Granger causes { } and then test whether { } Granger causes { }.If two variables have Grange causality relationship in both directions, i.e. { } Granger causes { } and { } Granger causes { }, then we could regard these two varibles have causality relationship in both directions, that means these two variables are related. If two variables have Granger causality in one direction, e.g. { } Granger causes { } but { } does not Granger cause { }, then we can conclude that these two variable just have a one way causality relationship. 5. Presentation and Interpretation of Results 5.1. correlation coefficient between monetary policy variables and asset prices variables We analysis the correlation between monetary policy variables and stock prices variable according to the data provided by China Economic Information Network, and the correlation coefficients are presented in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 Correlation coefficient between lnindex and lnloan,lnm2,rate in 1998-2008 Lnindex Lnloan Lnm2 Rate Lnindex 1.000000 Lnloan 0.4829 1.000000 Lnm2 0.4867 0.9980 1.000000 Rate -0.4717 -0.9013 -0.9067 1.000000 As we can see, stock price (Lnindex) has correlation relationship with all monetary policy variables. With a higher stock price, loan and money supply will be increased, while real rate will be decreased. For monetary variables, loan and M2 have a strong positive correlation, and M2 have a strong negative correlaton with real rate. In conclusion , for the stock price variable, it has basically the positive correlation with the loan and money supply variables , and has negatively correlation with the real rate. Table 3 Correlation coefficient between lnhsp and lnloan,lnm2,rate in 1998-2008 Lnhsp Lnloan Lnm2 Rate Lnhsp 1.000000 Lnloan 0.9667 1.000000 Lnm2 0.9633 0.9980 1.000000 Rate -0.8453 -0.9013 -0.9067 1.000000 From table 3, we can see house price (Lnhsp) has correlation relationship with all monetary policy variables. With a higher house price, loan and money supply will be increased, while real rate still will be decreased. In conclusion ,for the house price variable, it has basically the strong positive correlation with the loan and money supply variables , and has strong negatively correlation with the real rate. 5.2.Results for unit root test We exam monetary policy variables and asset prices variables by Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) to test the stationary of time series. First ,we choose the AIC and BIC to determine the fitted lag it suggest that the optimal lag for time series is lag k =1,Then we run ADF to test stationary of time series. Results are below: Table 4 ¼Ã… ¡Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test for Variables Series ADF Test critical values Results 5% 1% Lnhsp -1.685 -3.41 -3.96 have a unit root Lnindex -2.085 -2.86 -3.43 have a unit root Lnm2